July 28


Break Free From the Unexpected

There aren’t that many non-lunar aspects this week, so one would think it’s time for a break.  It is a time to process everything that has happened over the last few weeks, but the one aspect for this week is another involving Uranus.  So, it’s time to buckle up.

Uranus has been wreaking havoc over the last few weeks.  Jupiter and Uranus met up back in April.  Mars and Uranus met up a couple of weeks ago.  While those were conjunctions, this week Venus in Leo Squares Uranus in Taurus on August 2 at 9:27 am EST.  A square is a challenge.  Venus in Leo wants you to focus on your heart.  What can you do to keep your heart open?  Uranus is the quintessential pot-stirrer.  What can Uranus do to challenge the status quo?  How does Uranus break the bonds from the normal and force you outside of your comfort zone?  It's important even in these most challenging of times that you find a way to keep your heart open.  It’s really difficult to keep your heart open when you’ve been hurt.  Look beyond your hurt.  Pay attention to your heart this week.  Remember that you are love and you are loving.  Your heart will guide the way forward.

In what ways can you keep your heart open?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment? 


Freedom, Heart, Leo, Love, Open Heart, Taurus, Unexpected, Venus

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