July 14


Sudden Changes

Have you been feeling like something big is on the horizon, but you don’t know what?  The answer could be coming this week when Mars meets up with Uranus.

The Sun in Cancer Squares Chiron in Aries on July 15 at 7:44 am EST.  A spotlight is being placed on your wounds.  These are the wounds that are holding you back from becoming the person that you could be meant to be but haven’t quite gotten there yet.  Allow your wounds to be exposed to the light.  Let them come out and be seen for what they are.  Your wounds have kept you safe, but they may not be necessary any longer.  Now is the time to work through them.

Mars in Taurus Conjuncts Uranus in Taurus on July 15 at 10:05 am EST.  Mars and Uranus have something to say.  If you’re on your path, it might just be a confirmation of what you’ve been working on.  If you’re off-path, it could be a wake-up call.  Not all wake-up calls are bad, but many times they are necessary.  Change when it’s not expected or exactly how you want it, can be challenging.  It’s going to be ok.  Take a deep breath.  Give yourself time to process and don’t act right away if you can avoid it.  This could be a moment for you to awaken.  See the moment for what it is.

Mars enters Gemini on July 20 at 4:43 pm EST.  Mars is ready to communicate.  While Mars would prefer to talk action, it might have to talk things out first.  Mars was involved in something big a few days ago and research may be needed before the next step can be taken.  Mars's time for action will come, but for now, become curious.

For myself, I have been facing a lot of limiting beliefs in my life that have prevented me from being visible and from becoming the person that I have a calling to be.  Over the past few months, I have been facing these beliefs as they come.  Other beliefs or events have come up, that could through me off path, but I have kept going.  My journey of self-discovery, like yours, is not over.  Parts of it are just beginning, but I’m putting in the work. 

What sudden changes have happened in your life? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Aries, Canccer, Change, Gemini, Growth, Mars, Self-Discovery, Sudden, Sun, Taurus, Unexpected, Uranus, Wounds

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