September 29


Looking for Answers

This week is a time to dive deep into the mysteries of life—specifically, your life. Over the past few weeks, certain questions may have been bubbling to the surface, but clarity has been elusive. However, with the upcoming Eclipse on October 2, some of the answers you've been seeking will start to unfold.

Before that, on September 30 at 5:09 PM EST, the Sun will conjunct Mercury, both in Libra. This alignment encourages harmony and balance in communication. In a world that often feels divided and unkind, take a moment to extend some kindness to those around you. If you were in their position, wouldn’t you want the same? A more peaceful world begins with the peace we cultivate within ourselves. With Libra's energy highlighting partnerships, you may struggle to make decisions on your own during this time. Don’t hesitate to reach out to someone you trust for their perspective and advice.

On October 2 at 2:49 PM EST, the Sun and Moon will join for a powerful Solar Eclipse. Recently, you may have found yourself reflecting on the larger aspects of your life—whether you feel fulfilled in your career or relationship, or if you’ve been feeling stuck, unable to move forward. This Eclipse, happening on the South Node in Libra, will help bring the clarity you need. You may be letting go of an aspect of your past, something that once served a purpose but is now ready to be released. While endings can be challenging, they also open the door to exciting new possibilities. Embrace the idea that the answers to your life's questions could lead you to a place far beyond your current imagination.

What questions are you seeking answers to?  Let me know! If you’d like more guidance, click here to learn more or book an appointment. 


Mercury, Moon, Solar Eclipse, Sun

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