New Ways of Thinking

It’s so easy to think about the same way that you always have, but what if that way is outdated?  Just because you’ve always done things that way doesn’t mean it’s the only way. The universe is encouraging you to think about things differently right now.
There is a Full Moon in Capricorn coming on July 13 at 2:38 pm.  The Full Moon is also in opposition to Mercury in Cancer.  You’re being guided to let go of these ways of thinking that no longer serve you,
Look at the world around you.  There are lots of ways of thinking or looking at things that now seem outdated.  The rights of women that many of us are facing are outdated compared to when many of our laws around the United States were implemented: the rights of minorities, the rights of people of different sexual orientations, the classification of gender.  The list goes on and on.  It’s time to take a look at what it means to be a person with rights. 
Look at your opinions.  Are your opinions more valid than other person’s opinions?  No, they’re opinions, not facts.  What you value may be different than what someone else values, does that make it any less valuable to you?  
Each one of us is being asked to have a new perspective.  It’s so easy to just continue down the path of life and do things the way you always have, but has that way of doing things made you happy?  There are so many unhappy people, and you could be one of them.  A new way of doing things can seem bad or overwhelming, but what if it’s not? 
As I have made changes in my life, I have had to look at what I have thought and been taught.   Every time fear has come to the surface, the same question runs through my mind.  What if I can’t?  And then I get the response, but what if you can? 
You don’t have to act right away, you can and should take some time to process a new approach to thinking, but next time what if comes to your mind, try and flip it and see what happens.  If it doesn’t work, you can always do it differently, but maybe, just maybe, it will work, and you could be on your way to a new approach to life.
How can you think differently? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

The Feminine Warrior

Happy Independence Day!  It may not feel like there’s a whole lot to celebrate as a nation.  Our rights as women have been taken away and there are people out there who would like to take more of our rights.
It’s easy to get trapped in the negative, but it’s important to not remain there and realize that women still have power.  Females in the past have fought this same fight before and have made progress.  It can be done again.
The Sun in Cancer can be representative of the feminine.  It’s a nurturing and caring energy and on July 8 at 9:23 am it is Square Chiron in Aries.  Chiron is known as the Wounded Healer and it’s in the sign of Aries, the warrior.
There’s an opportunity here.  The battle isn’t going to be won overnight, but it can and will be fought.  There’s an opportunity for women to empower themselves.
As women, we have been shamed and made to feel guilty for making decisions that are right for us.  Why?  Because they may not be right for the masculine.  Women and their role in society for centuries had been reduced to the role of caretakers.  While that may be one part of being a woman, that isn’t all that we are.  The patriarchy has put us made us “second-class” citizens for centuries.  The time for the feminine to put herself on equal ground is now.
It's time to fight.  How do we fight?  It hasn’t been entirely revealed quite yet, but one way is to vote.  Women died for us to have the right to vote and it’s time to use it.  As a country, the United States is in its Pluto Return.  The United States’ Pluto is in Capricorn.  Capricorn is the structure.  At that time, women were the property of men and it shows in the founding documentation of our country.  And it’s not just women that were property, but people of other races.  The United States founding documentation represents rich white men.
The United States is not composed of entirely rich white men.  The United States is composed of women and men from all regions of the world and it’s time that our laws reflect that.  With the U.S.’s Pluto Return we have an opportunity to change course.  To make sure that we are heard and have a role in society that is representative of who women really are.  Women do not have to feel shame or guilt for being who they are any longer.  We can become a Feminine Warrior and have power over the things in life that are important to us. It’s time to get battle-ready!
What can you do to become a feminine warrior? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Have You Been Doing The Work?

Have you been growing?  If you have, then this week should help you to battle whatever obstacles are standing in your way and reach new levels.  If you haven’t then you may experience some internal power struggles.
Mars in Aries is going to be Square Pluto in Capricorn on July 1, 2022 at 10:14 pm.  Mars in Aries is pushing the structures that you’ve been forced to confront with Pluto in Capricorn.  Those structures have been crumbling.  Things are no longer what they once were and there is no going back.  You’re in a new era and it’s time to accept that it’s different.  You’re different.
The energy wants you to change, it’s demanding change.  With this energy, you could push yourself a little too hard, so watch out for that dynamic, but it’s time.  Mercury has told you the secrets that you need to know so that you can make changes and move ahead.  That time for change is now. 
Change is never easy, especially when it feels like it’s been forced upon you.  It’s easier when you have a choice.  You always have a choice, but that doesn’t mean the energy isn’t going to have a say in the direction you take.  If you’re making a choice that the universe no longer agrees with, it will make it more and more difficult for you to make the same decision.  If you’re still not getting it, you could reach a precipice point and the universe will make a different decision for you.  We’ve all been there, getting fired from a job was one of mine.
I couldn’t see what the universe wanted me to see.  It was time for me to take a different path in my life.  It was giving me obstacles, but I kept finding a way around it.  The termination from my job was the universe forcing me to look at my choices and make a new one. 
It could be time for a new choice or a new path, but watch out for the internal struggles.  Those struggles may be telling you something you don’t want to hear, but it could lead you in the right direction.
What internal struggles are you experiencing? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Time For Yourself

It’s time for big shifts this coming week.   The Summer Solstice occurs on June 21, the longest day of the year and the official beginning of summer, plus the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer at 5:14 am EST.
Around the world, rituals are still performed to welcome the Summer Solstice.  These rituals are meant to thank the sun for its continuing to bring light and to request continued abundance. 
Cancer season represents a time of nurturing and sensitivity.  It’s the time of year when you might take time off and maybe even do something for yourself and not just go go go.  School is out for the summer and there’s some time for flexibility in your schedule.
Venus will enter Gemini the next day on June 22 at 8:34 pm EST.  She will move out of a sign that she rules into one that is all about communication and being social.  Maybe it’s time for spending some time with your loved ones, friends and family. 
A good question to ask yourself this Cancer season, is what can you do for yourself?  It’s so easy to focus all your attention on the people around you and lose track of what you need.  Cancer is also known to sacrifice itself for the needs of others.  Don’t lose yourself in the process.  It’s way too easy to let that happen.
Venus in Gemini can be inquisitive and searching.  If you’re looking to change things up, this can be a great time.  Cancer is willing to start something new and Gemini is adaptable.  You can take all the secrets that have been revealed and start to implement some inner growth.
What are you looking to nurture? Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Karmic Point

The early part of the week could feel relaxing after the energy of the last few weeks.  The intensity will give you a brief reprieve before it’s time for the first Karmic choice point.
Mercury is stationing direct on June 3 in Taurus.  You should have had some big reveals over the last few weeks.  Mercury has been telling you secrets and giving you information that you need so that you can make some big decisions.
On June 4, Saturn will station to go retrograde in the sign of Aquarius.  Saturn will remain retrograde until October 23.  Saturn is beginning to take you in a new direction.  The period of confusion and stagnation will come to a close and even though it may seem counterintuitive with a retrograde planet, Saturn in Aquarius wants to you explore your future.  What should it look like?  Is the life that you’re living, the one that you really want to be living?
You have a choice to make.  If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve been getting information about the direction and choices that you’ve made so far.  Do you want to keep going down that path or is time to choose a new one?  Choosing a new path is never easy.  It’s so much easier to continue down the known path, even when you’re unhappy. 
You’re here on this planet for a reason.  It may not always seem obvious, but it’s there.  The parts of yourself that can seem uncomfortable, maybe part of your mission in this life.  As a child, I always wanted to be like everyone else.  I wanted to fit.  I never felt like I belonged.  As I’ve gotten older, the harder I tried to fit in, the harder it was for me to continue down that path.  One day, I began to realize that I was never going to be like everyone else, I just had to learn to be me.  After years of trying to be like everyone else, I first had to figure out who I was.  But then, I had to learn to be me. 
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been getting more information about who I am and what has been holding me back.  Like you, I’m at a choice point.  I can make a different choice and grow or I can remain where I am.  I’m not entirely sure what that new path looks like yet, but I do know that I’ve had to release some expectations of where I thought I would be.  It’s a process and one that’s not entirely finished, but I’ve started to put the intention out there and make some new choices.  It’s scary, but in the end, it will take me somewhere I never could have expected.
What new path are you in the process of taking?    Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


It’s time for the next eclipse!  It happens on May 16, 2022 at 12:14 AM EST.  This Lunar Eclipse happens under the Full Moon in Scorpio.  What do you need to release?
The North Node is in Taurus, you’re meant to examine what do you value and if it isn’t something that you value or it doesn’t bring you joy, then with this Full Moon in Scorpio it’s time that it’s released.  Of course, this doesn’t mean that you throw away everything in your life that doesn’t bring you joy.  But something was revealed to you under the New Moon in Taurus.  Something that you’re working on right now.  What is preventing you from moving ahead?  It could be an emotional block or baggage from your past.  This is the perfect time to do some shadow work and release what no longer serves you.
It's easy to get stuck in the day-to-day activity of life and think that a better life is for other people and doesn’t apply to you.  Or maybe it’s just too hard to get there so why bother.  There’s no sense in lying, making change is never easy.  It’s so much easier to be in the routine of life, but does it help to make you a better person.  Does it bring value to your life?
It’s never easy to walk the path less traveled.  Your family and friends may question your judgment, but you know in  your heart what is right for you.  It’s time to step into your self and value who you are and not just what everyone else expects you to be.  You can easily get lost when you’re trying to be someone else.  Release those expectations and start to walk your path.  It may get emotional, but it’s only temporary.  You can do this.  You’re meant to grow.  You’re meant to become a better person.  Release what no longer serves you and plant the seeds to become who you want to be.
What do you need to release?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Fight the Good Fight

We’re still in Eclipse season. It’s already been a doozy energy wise and it’s about to get cranked up another notch.  On May 10, Jupiter will move out of the dreamy-drifty sign of Pisces into the sign of Aries, the warrior.  Also on May 10, Mercury will begin its retrograde period until June 3.
Jupiter in Aries is full of energy, it’s idealistic and impulsive, but it can also be arrogant.  Jupiter wants us to expand into the unknown, look beyond what’s comfortable and learn something new.  This is a great time to tap into Jupiter’s love of higher learning.
Mercury in Gemini is a quick, trickster energy that is telling secrets.  Retrogrades want you to look back at any issues from the past.  Review what’s happened.  Did it happen the way that it was supposed to?  Could you do something different?  Retrogrades aren’t typically the time to begin the change, but to examine what could you do to move forward.
It’s quite the energetic hotbed that we’re in.  You may be presented with an issue that thought you already dealt with and realize that you only dealt with one piece of it, or you just thought you did.  Our shadows are presented in cycles.  Just one layer is gone, the next pops to the surface to be faced.  Healing work is never done.
The second eclipse of the season arrives on May 16 and you’re being pushed to realize what doesn’t work for you any longer.  Are you ready to let it go?  The North Node in Taurus wants you to learn new things and grow.  With the Sun still being in Taurus, you’re being provided with some stability as you start to fight the fight.  The question with Jupiter in Aries is what type of warrior are you?  The type that does it with honor or one that’s hot headed.  It may not always seem like you have a choice, but you do. 
It can be easy to feel the heat of the moment and act impulsively but take a deep breath before taking action.  What is your ultimate goal?  Act from that place when at all possible.
What are you fighting for?    Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Time for Growth

Happy Beltane!  It is officially the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice.  Warmer weather in the northern hemisphere is on its way.  Beltane is the merging together of growth, fertility, and new beginnings.  When combined with the energies of yesterday’s eclipse in Taurus energy, you’re looking at a potent time.
Not only did yesterday’s eclipse involve the Sun and the Moon in Taurus, but also Venus, which rules Taurus, and Uranus, the planet of awakening and electricity were involved.  You can still feel the effects of the eclipse today and for the next couple of weeks.  It’s a time when a lot can feel possible, but it can also feel like you just want to stay home and hideaway.  You may feel quiet and reflective one moment and full of persistence the next.  You may feel the need to release the emotions that no longer serve you.  This could involve lots of tears or just being stubborn and not wanting to give in to the energy.
The universe has a plan for you, and it is revealed to us in small manageable pieces.  Pluto just went retrograde on April 29, so we’re being asked to review our darkness.  How can your darkness move you into the light?  Your shadow always has something to teach you, good or bad and Pluto in Capricorn is still transforming the structures of your life. 
The bull of Taurus isn’t exactly known to change.  It has fixed energy that doesn’t like to change unless it absolutely must, but this is one of those times where change seems to be required.  The world we live in has changed.  Like it or not, COVID has changed everything, and it isn’t over yet.  People desperately want things to go back to “normal”, but that just isn’t possible.  Life is different.  You will always know what it is like to wear a mask in a store or to even just know what COVID is.  There is no going back.  You can only go forward. 
You may resist the idea of change, but it’s required for growth.  This is a time to grow.  Just look outside your door, the planets are starting to come up out of the ground, but they’ve been taking root all winter.  There are things taking place that you aren’t privy to.  Don’t fight the energy.  If you get emotional, let the emotions happen.  There’s a reason why they’re coming up.  It can be a time of great intensity if you fight, but if you go with the flow and see what the universe has in store, you could be pleasantly surprised.
What is growing in your life?    Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.

Jump In The Deep End

The Sun moved into the sign of Taurus on April 19, so it is now the season of security, beauty, and the world around you is beginning to bloom and come to life.  The sign of Taurus is represented by the bull.  It has a fixed attitude and it isn’t looking to change unless it has to, but what if this is the time to begin to ask questions and start to do the work?
Mercury in Taurus will be Trine Pluto in Capricorn on April 28.  Within the next year in March of 2023, Pluto will move into the sign of Aquarius, the sign of innovation and forward-thinking, and leave behind the sign of our structures.  There is still a lot of work to do before this takes place and next week Pluto will station and go retrograde.  If you plan on beginning anything new, now is the time to act. 
Mercury in Taurus has been whispering secrets and asking questions of you.  What are your answers?  Now is the time to examine your inner structure.  Are you who you want to be?  Is there something that you are ready to release?  If the answer is yes, this is a perfect time. 
Shadow work is never easy, but to truly encompass the energy of Pluto, is essential.  Nothing that is truly important ever comes easily.  Mercury in Taurus is asking you, what do you value?   Ask yourself the same question.  If you look at your life, what you value should be clear.  It should be how you spend the vast majority of your time.  If your time and your values don’t align, maybe it’s time to start to shift that area of your life.
Sometimes just the idea of change can be overwhelming.  You don’t have to change everything overnight, but you have to start somewhere.  Sometimes the easiest thing is to just dive right into the deep end and get wet all at once.  Just dipping your toe in takes a lot longer to reach the same point.  Also, you don’t have to dive in alone.  Find someone in your life to either help you or hire a coach to help you. 
The road to empowerment will always take you through the landmines of Pluto, but you have to start.  Let the energy be your guide.
Who do you want to be and what do you value?    Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment. 

Shadow Comes to Light

The time to confront all of the information, good or bad, is about to be upon you.  The Sun in Aries is Square Pluto in Capricorn on April 18.  You may have been able to ignore your shadow side, but that doesn’t mean that it has disappeared or has miraculously resolved itself.  Like it or not you still have work to do.
Shadow work is something that never entirely ends, which is why it can drive you crazy.  Shadow work is like peeling away the layers of an onion, once one layer is gone, it's time to move on to the next.  You may not have the patience for the process to unfold, but it will help to grow and reach new heights that you never quite dreamed were possible.
Are you trying to control situations or people that you can’t quite control or have you been using power in the wrong way?  These are two possibilities about how this aspect could show up in your life.
The idea of confronting and changing something that is no longer working for you is one that may terrify you.  Sometimes the devil that you know is better than the one that you don’t.  This isn’t one of those times.  The universe wants you to succeed.  It wants you to become the person that you’re meant to be.  The only way to do that is to make changes.  Change isn’t easy, especially when it’s something that’s meaningful, but it’s the only want to get where you need to go.
The Sun in Aries loves to begin.  It’s a perfect time to start the process if you haven’t already.  If you have started the process, give yourself a big pat on the back and keep going.  This isn’t the time to stop now.
What is your shadow telling you?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.
