April 25


But I Don’t Want It to End!

Endings can be complicated and complex.  You may want something to end, but there can be emotions involved that you’re not ready to deal with yet.
Life comes in cycles.  There’s always a beginning, middle, and end.  But like a circle, for something new to start, you must release something that doesn’t.
For the new to begin, you may have to confront a fear that’s held you back for years.  You may have to speak it aloud.  Speaking what you want may be one of the hardest to do.  There’s always the chance that someone can say no.  If you have trouble just speaking it aloud, the response of no can be a blow that stops you in your tracks.  The challenging part of no can be a no for now.  But the no could signify an ending of sorts.  It could be the end of a dream and the beginning of something new.
You have faced challenges, many of which you wished would end, but didn’t.  You ready to start something new but needed to address something else first.
There is a transition that happens between endings and beginnings.  One that can often seem seamless.  One day the world seems one way and the next it's completely changed.  In March 2020, for so many, an old way of doing things ended and a new began.
It can be difficult to determine what keeps you from ending something, but there’s typically an element of fear involved.  Facing your fears may be one of the hardest things you do.  Others may surround you and comfort you on your journey, but they can’t live life for you.  You’re the only one who can do it.
For most obstacles in life, there’s no doubt that endings can be one of the hardest, but there can often be a gift on the other side.  Remember to tell yourself, that everything you want is on the other side of fear.
What are you afraid of facing for a new cycle to begin?   Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Change, Endings, Journey, Power

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