June 20


What or Who Do You Love?

Love can be a tricky emotion to talk about.  It can feel different from one person to another.  It can be unknown.
Love is one of the higher vibration emotions that you can experience, but it can also involve a world of hurt.
As a teenager, I was friends with a person who manipulated me to the point that once I stood up for myself and fought back; I didn’t know who I was, but one thing that I did know was I never wanted to feel that way again.
What I didn’t know at the time is an attitude like that can prevent the good from coming in, and it didn’t stop the hurt.  The hurt still surrounded me, it became a focus.
One of our objectives in this life is to love others.  Hurt is a natural part of the process.  You’re going to hurt when people leave your life whether it be from moving away, dying, or an end to the relationship.
Hurt helps you to grow and expand.  There are lessons that you’ve learned through love and hurt that you couldn’t have grasped if it had happened in another way.  You don’t grow when all is happy in your life.  You learn from the drama, the tension, and the hurt.
Looking back at your life, you’ll remember moments from the good times, but the bad times helped to shape you as a person.
I never wanted to hurt again after that experience, but I still have those moments in my life.  Those moments led me in a new direction.  I wouldn’t be writing this blog post, if I hadn’t been fired.  I wouldn’t be who I am if I hadn’t experienced the dark times.  I’m sure you can say the same.
If you allow it, your hurt will lead you where you need to go.  It will take you to a new lesson.  A new way to grow.
What are you hurting about right now?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Hurt, Love

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