April 3


Time for Patience

Are you ready for your next Saturnian lesson?  It’s coming on April 4, when Mars in Aquarius will be conjunct Saturn in Aquarius.  The planet of action will be conjunct the planet of restrictions and boundaries.  Expect that things might not work out the way that you have expected or hoped.  Frustrations will become evident.  Plus Mercury just entered Aquarius on March 27, so expect that people might say exactly what they think.  This is a time for patience.

Patience can be a challenge.  You have an expectation for what is supposed to happen and when.  You’re finally ready to take the leap and it just doesn’t happen the way you wanted.  This isn’t a time to be discouraged.  It’s a time to persevere.  Be patient.

The universe doesn’t live on a linear timeline.  It would be great if it did.  Things happen when they’re meant to.  This can be a challenging lesson, especially in this day of instantaneous responses.  You no longer have to wait to receive a reply to a letter, you can get an answer right over the telephone.  You can book an appointment right over the internet during non-office hours.  But most of life doesn’t happen instantly.  You must have patience.

Patience can be one of the hardest lessons to learn.  To trust that what you’re feeling or working towards is the right thing, but not right now.  It could happen in a day, a week, a year or 10 years down the road.  Aquarius is a sign that tends to have you looking towards the future.  It’s not meant to happen now, but that doesn’t mean that you want to wait either.  Be patient and know that the universe has a plan for you.  Follow the clues and see where you’re being led.  Try to not let your expectations get in the way of what could unfold.  It could be bigger than you could have imagined.  Let the future take you where it will, but remember to keep going.  This isn’t the time to stop.

What are you trying to be patient about?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Frustration, Patience, Synchronicity

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