November 13


Time for an Adventure

What has been revealed to you during the last few weeks?  This information is important for you as you prepare to move forward and make changes and adjustments.  Venus and Mercury are wrapping up their stays in Scorpio this week and the Sun will transition next week.  Scorpio, the placement of examining your shadows and traumas has been opening the doors to emotions and secrets that you weren’t even aware of. Still, like everything in life, the question is what do you do with that information?
Venus will enter Sagittarius on November 16 at 1:09 am and Mercury will enter the next day on November 17 at 3:42 am.  Sagittarius is the sign of hope, faith, optimism, exploration, philosophy, and teaching, but it can also be impatient, restless, blunt, and boisterous.  But, let’s focus on only one of these key terms, exploration.  Venus and Mercury are ready to take the information that you’ve learned over the last few weeks and explore it.  What does it have to tell you about yourself and your past?
It may be easiest to think that your past doesn’t impact you, but it makes up the person that you are.  During this Eclipse portal, you’ve been asked to release the areas of your life that no longer serve you.  Sometimes in order to let go, you need to understand something about yourself first.  Why are you being provided with this information now? 
With all the tough energy of the last few weeks, it can be challenging to look for the fun aspect of your life.  With the energy of Sagittarius, try to find the fun.  Make an adventure or a game out of it.  By making it light-hearted, you may get further than you might have otherwise.
One more thing, Mars in Gemini is going to be Squaring Neptune in Pisces on November 19 at 10:43 am.  Things are uncertain right now.  Remember that.  Part of this aspect is that you are looking for meaning.  Whether it be in your life in general or just a piece.  The search for meaning is something that can bring great fulfillment to your life if you allow it to, but before you can find the light, you typically have to go through the dark.  The darkness won’t last forever, but it always has something to tell you.
What are you exploring right now?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Adventure, Change, Exploration, Mercury, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Shadows, Venus

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