June 21


Time for Adjustments?

We’re on a journey in life.  No matter how much we want things to stay the same, they don’t.  There are some things we want so badly in life, we can taste it, but it doesn’t happen the way we think it will or think it should. The people we think will stay a part of our lives forever leave, for any number of reasons.  We want to know when things will change for the better, but maybe we aren’t meant to know.

We want to know the answers to life's biggest questions and we just don’t know.  If 2020 has shown us anything so far, it is to expect the unexpected. But it also reveals where we still need to work on our lives.

Right now, nothing is what we think it should be.  We are in a huge period change personally and globally.  We’re about to see a new snapshot of what 2020 has in store for us.  More of the picture is being revealed.  We have the second eclipse plus the solstice.  Also, we have 5 planets in retrograde (Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto) with another one about to go retrograde (Neptune).  That’s a lot of retrograde energy.  During retrogrades we’re meant to review, revise and reexamine our lives.  What’s our vision?  Does our life meet our vision?  Where are we off course?  What can we do to adjust? It’s time for adjustments.

I’ve been playing around with astrology for several years now and during quarantine I’ve been working on learning to read charts.  It’s a process!  But it’s a path that I’m meant to follow. I’ve always been fascinated by horoscopes and how we can take natal charts to learn something about ourselves.  Learning about my natal chart has helped me to accept parts of myself that I thought were wrong, or others thought were different than they should be.

This retrograde is another period for me to examine my life.  Where did I steer off course?  I can think of a few things.  I’m sure you can as well.  How do I adjust?  With my study of astrology, it’s time to take a new examination and pick up where I last left off while I completed my coaching certification.  Continue what I had started and put aside.  I can think of other things, but those are stories for a future time. 

Use the power of the energies we’re in right now and make adjustments to fit your vision.

What adjustments do you need to make?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more about what I do?  Click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


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