October 25



Respect.  Something that we all want from others towards us, but do we always give it to those around us?

The world around us seems to be chaos and there doesn’t seem to be a lot of respect in the world.  We have people name-calling and speaking over each other.  People who don’t care what others have to say.  The only person whose opinion matters is their own.  Does that sound like a world where we respect each other?  It certainly doesn’t sound like one to me.

So, what do we do?  It can be a challenge because we must act differently from the energy around us.  We must act from a neutral place and not a reactive one.  We have to be the better person.  It’s possible!  The U.S. election is a few weeks away.  The energy surrounding it isn’t going to get better anytime soon.  If anything, it could get worse.

We are better than this!  We can rise above the chaos, and get back to living in a place where we care for our fellow neighbor.  A world where we help each other.  It may sound a little idealistic at this point, but the way things are right now, aren’t okay.  This shouldn’t be how we live.  We are better than this and we can be better than this!

You may be one of the people not acting this way and kudos to you, but I’m sure you know someone that is.  It could be a friend or family member.  You may not always agree with what they say or do, but do you still care for them?  Respect isn’t something that’s just given, it’s earned.  When we or those around us act in this way, that in and of itself is disrespectful.  Respect is a two-way street.  It’s not given if you don’t earn it.

Live your life as though you’re trying to earn the respect from those around you.  Be like those you want to be like.  Who do you admire?  Be like them.

Maybe someday we’ll get to a better place.  A place where we can respect each other, but right now a lot of us have work to do.  We can’t change things if we don’t respect the process.  Use the process we have and let’s start to change the outcome.  We can do this!

What don’t you respect right now?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


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