February 5


Polarity of Needs

Have you ever noticed that sometimes just when you decide that it’s time for you to take some time for yourself, some need comes along that directs your attention in another way?  That may happen when the Full Moon in Leo arrives on February 5 at 1;29 pm.
The Moon in Leo is all about having fun and wants the attention to be focused on you and your needs, but the Sun in Aquarius is more focused on the needs of others, your family, your friends, or just the collective at large.  Are you the type of person that puts your needs last?  Maybe it’s because you’re a mother and that’s expected.  Or maybe you’re the type of person that has a hard time speaking up for themselves and thinks that what you want isn’t as important as what others want or need.  The truth is that it doesn’t really matter what the reason is, but the fact that you put yourself after others’ needs are met. 
There’s nothing that says this dynamic is going to change overnight, but it has to start somewhere in order for it to change.  In order for you to give to others, you must have the energy to give.  I’m guessing that’s not always the case for you.  You may even feel like you’re running on fumes.  So today let’s start and give it to you.  What do you want?  Maybe you want to read a book, take a walk, exercise, eat healthier, the list goes on and on of possible options.  Pick one thing that you want for yourself today and give yourself permission to do it.  There’s nothing wrong with taking time for yourself.
Mercury will move out of the sign of Capricorn and enter the sign of Aquarius on February 11 at 6:22 am.  Mercury will speak more logically, analytically, and detachedly for the next zodiacal period.  It’s time to think things through.  How can you work with what you want and need to help meet the needs of others wants and needs?  There must be a logical solution.  Sometimes you just need to think outside of the box and the Aquarius energy loves to think outside of the box.  Aquarius energy is great for looking into the future and coming up with different possibilities.  Harness the energy and use it to your advantage.
How can you get your needs met while meeting the needs of others?    Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment?


Aquarius, Change, Leo, Mercury, Moon, Needs, Self-Care, Sun

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