June 28


People Don’t Understand What I’m Going Through

One of the most challenging aspects of being on the spiritual journey is that not everyone sees what you see.  We are all at different stages on our path.  Some will eventually see a different perspective and others never will.  You know what.  That is ok.  We have no control over what another does.  We can only change ourselves.  We can modify our reaction, but who we are as a person should stay intact.  We must remain the most authentic version of ourselves.  For it is from this place that we have the most power and can manifest our highest and best good.

In previous blogs I have talked about experiences where I have changed who I was for other people.  From friends to my job and even family.  I wanted people to like me, and if that meant that I needed to do something or buy something for someone else, I was all in.  Some would take advantage of it, but in my mind, at least they liked me.  The only problem was they didn’t really like me.  They liked what they saw, but that wasn’t me.  It was a projection that I wanted them to see.   As I have stepped into myself, people in my life have fallen away.  My old job fell away and no longer served me.  I couldn’t be myself at that job.  I had to examine every conversation and what it was telling me.  FYI, I still must do this as I’m still learning.

I recently spoke with a group about how to reclaim your soul magic.  After the talk a woman asked me how my family has responded to my journey.  My mom was there with me and has supported me along the way and joined in.  She is a sounding board for my intuitive hits and a practice subject.  My dad has taken some time, but is currently going through an awakening process.  He wants what is in my best interest but has some fear about the path I’m going down.  There are no guarantees on this path, but he is doing the best he can.  He is more comfortable around the conversations of energy than he used to be, and has even attended a psychic fair and a mediumship gallery reading.  Those have been big steps for him.  The other part of my family at this point in my life are my two siblings and their families.  They were incredibly supportive about my getting laid off from my job, but aren’t quite there about my new life path.  There is a lot of fear and I don’t believe they completely understand what I do.  While I wish it was different, I understand it.  For years, I was unsure.  I needed evidence.  But there wasn’t any.  I had to learn to trust.  I couldn’t be afraid.  That is where they seem to be right now.  They need to learn to trust that there is a bigger plan for all of us.  We must loosen the reins and give them over to a higher power to truly achieve our goals.  Hopefully it won’t take them the same amount of time as it did for me.  FYI, my journey began in 2011.  But it is their life, not mine.  All I can ask is that they respect mine, as I do theirs. 

Your journey is as unique as you are.  Clear and heal your own emotions and reactions.  If you are willing to investigate the mirror and examine it, you will truly be on the path to enlightenment.  Do you want to know more, click here to book an appointment or send me an e-mail and ask questions as to how I can best support you.


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