October 24


Have you…

Have you learned the lessons that you’ve been meant to learn this year?  In the last week, the planets Mercury and Jupiter have gone direct, but we’re still in their shadows, plus the shadows of Pluto and Saturn, which turned direct earlier this month.
The planets have been revealing secrets and lessons that we’re meant to learn.  Have you changed the way that you react, or are you planning on moving forward in a different way?  Are you going to pursue a new path?  Have you been rethinking the patterns of your life or that of your family?
There isn’t one lesson to learn in life.  A new one can be revealed to you each day.  But just because you may have changed, doesn’t mean that the people around you have.  There may still be pieces of the puzzle to be revealed.  Information is always coming.  You don’t yet know everything that you need to know, but you have enough to start.
Start working through the information and the lessons provided.   What’s the first step to take?  That first step could take you a while to work through.  Take all the time you need unless you have a deadline.  The universe will reveal what you need to know when you need to know it.  You don’t need all the pieces to start.
When you work with a blank canvas, you don’t know what the result is going to be.  You just start.  Start painting and work towards a product.
What lessons have you learned this year?  Let me know. Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


Change, Journey, Lessons

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