January 19


Empower Yourself

You’re being poked and triggered this week to find a way to empower yourself. Empowerment is a tool that not all of us harness and utilize to our advantage because it typically involves work.  You have to tackle what is coming to the surface for you.  It’s coming to the surface because you are ready to deal with it.  Once you deal with it, you can become a more empowered person.

The Sun enters the sign of Aquarius on January 19 at 3:00 pm EST.  The Sun is ready to look forward.  It has all kinds of ideas about what you can do moving forward.  Listen to these ideas and see what new perspective they can bring to your life.

Mercury in Capricorn Squares Chiron in Aries on January 21 at 3:06 am EST.  There is an opportunity here for you to think and speak about the wounded parts of yourself.  It’s not necessarily going to be easy, but it might be the first step in self-empowerment.  You can do the work that is needed.  Find a way forward.

The Sun in Aquarius Conjuncts Pluto in Aquarius on January 21 at 7:29 am EST.  This is the Sun and Pluto’s first meeting in Aquarius.  They will be coming up with a plan for what needs to be worked on over the next 20 years.  Pluto has already received input from the other planets, the Sun has been the missing piece.  See what comes to mind this week.  That idea could just be the path forward.

Mercury in Capricorn Opposes Mars in Cancer on January 23 at 3:49 pm EST.  You need to deal with your emotional foundation first.  Mercury in Capricorn is ready to talk about it, but are you?  It’s ok if you’re not, but find some way to bring it to the surface.  You may need to talk it out with someone that you’re close with or even a therapist, but your roots could be the key that needs to be unlocked.

How can you empower yourself this week?    Let me know! If you’d like more guidance, click here to learn more or book an appointment. 


Aquarius Season, Astrological Aspects, Astrology, Chiron in Aries, Cosmic energy, Emotional Foundation, Emotional healing, Empowerment, Forward Thinking, Ideas and Planning, Mercury in Capricorn, Personal Development, Pluto in Aquarius, Self-growth, Self-reflection, Sun in Aquarius, Therapeutic Conversations, Transformation, Wounded Self

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