August 30


Car Problems Again!

What do car problems have to do with spirituality?  Well, let me fill you in.  Everything happening around you is a sign from the universe or an indicator of what is happening in your internal world.  If you can decipher the message, the sign can help you move forward.

What do I mean?   In 2013 I was just beginning to become interested in the spiritual world.  I had purchased a Subaru Impreza in 2010 and had never had any issues, but suddenly there was this loud clunking noise every time I turned my wheel.  My car was brand new and shouldn’t be making that noise.  I met a friend for lunch, and we went to a small metaphysical event that I heard about through my sister.  Her sister-in-law was there giving readings.  I had met her several times over the years, but she didn’t know much about me.  I had my first reading. She asked me if I had been having problems with my car.  I’m listening.  Your grandfather is trying to get your attention.  You’re not listening to him.  She delivered his message.  I went to my car and drove home.  I realized the sound my car was making had gone away.   I could have spent a fortune on trying to figure out a problem that didn’t really exist, but was energy trying to deliver me a message.

Fast forward 3 years, I knew that I was going to need new tires, but according to the Subaru garage, I should have about 6 months left.  Not even a week later, I am driving home from work and my tire goes flat.  AAA comes and puts on my spare tire and off I go.  The next day I put four new tires on my car.  Another week goes by, I go to the Enlightenment Expo in Portland and walk out to my car at the end of the night.  My rear driver’s side tire is flat.  How can that be?  I have 4 brand new tires.  AAA comes again and puts my spare tire on.  I had gotten a nail in my tire.  I went back to where I had gotten the new tires, they fixed me up and off I went.  That was in 2016.  Every year since then I have had low tire pressure indicators at least twice a year.  I had one in June this year, and one this past weekend.  Both were on my passenger rear tire.  Each of these events has been trying to tell me something.  I have had the tire examined each time as well. 

In the first instance, the message from my Papa was that I needed to move forward in a new direction.  In the second, I had punctured my tires.  I was in the process of changing my life, but some obstacles and delays were being presented.  I needed to look at these obstacles from a new perspective.  The third, I had slow leaks.  I was taking my energy in directions that weren’t necessarily serving me.  I needed to make some small tweaks and focus on my dreams.  It was a time to re-examine what I’m doing.  I needed to gain clarity about my life, and what I’m manifesting.  I’m in this process now.  Trying to be clear about what I want. 

What signs is the universe sending you?  Have you experience anything like flat tires on a continuous basis?  What do you think it means?  Let me know.  Do you want to know more, click here to book a discovery session or an appointment.


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